22nd Annual 
All American Fastpitch Softball Camp
June 17-19, 2024

Ellie Blackburn

Former Kerri Student

University of Virginia at Wise

I am Ellie Blackburn and I have known Kerri Cobb for approximately five years.  Kerri is the type of coach that will challenge you until you do something right but is also there for you to say good job or to pick you up when you are down.  From helping me work out and achieving my goal of making my varsity team while in the 10th grade, to pitching to me at batting practice so I could hit better, Kerri helped me to improve on my whole softball game.

Kerri even helped me to make my college video that I sent out.  Now that I am in college playing softball for the University of Virginia College at Wise, I have Kerri to thank for my many accomplishments.

She has helped me on the field as well as with many off the field aspects of my life.  Kerri has taught me many life lessons that I will always carry with me.  Kerri is the type of coach that everyone can benefit from.