22nd Annual 
All American Fastpitch Softball Camp
June 17-19, 2024


Bobby Wills

Christopher Newport University (Head Softball Coach -  1988-1994)
ASA Women's Class A National Champions (former Head Coach)
1999 VA Roadsters Professional Team (former Coach)
2004 Tidewater VA Softball Hall of Fame Inductee

Kerri was the best player ever at CNU. Her superior pitching and hitting combined was a big reason we were nationally ranked in the mid 90's. She was the 1st NFCA Softball All-American and also the 1st Softball Hall of Fame Inductee at CNU.

Kerri was one of the most talented players from Eastern Virginia that I have seen in my 20 years of coaching softball.  Kerri made All-American twice for our women's team in three years (1st team in 2000 & 2nd team in 2002) and in the ASA Women's National Tournaments as she hit for a very high average both years.

Kerri has become one of the top pitching coaches and clinicians in the state of VA in a short period of time. Her passion, knowledge and organizational skills are exceptional for such a young lady.
Last Updated ( Monday, 11 June 2007 )

Richmond Crush 12 U Travel Team

Kerri Cobb has been an extremely positive influence on my 12U travel team. She has helped our girls on their batting by giving the girls drills to work on and getting them to focus on their mechanics.  When ever I mention something about Kerri to my team the girls really pay attention because of the respect they have for her.  We like having only Kerri work with us because she teaches all aspects of the game.  She has also been beneficial to me as a coach by giving me things to work on with my team and ways to run a practice.  She has worked with my daughter Christina on pitching since she was 10 years old.  Christina really likes working with Kerri.  Not only has Kerri been great to work with she has also been a great friend.

Kathy Riley

Head Softball Coach, Longwood University

Kerri Cobb is one of the rising personalities in Fastpitch Softball. She adds hard work, positive self image, and experience to a collegiate playing resume that makes her one of the most sought after pitching coaches on the East Coast. Her organizational, marketing, and teaching skills provide many scholarship opportunities for young ladies who aspire to play at the College level. Kerri Cobb LOVES FASTPITCH SOFTBALL and that is the most important thing to me.

Andi Hacker

Tucker H.S.
Richmond Diamonds 18U

Kerri has been my coach, mentor, and friend for 5 years.  She has been there for me through the worst of times and the best of times.  Kerri's will to succeed and passion for the game is contagious to anyone who has ever had the privilege of knowing her.  She pushes me to be the best I can be, not only on the field, but off it as well.  Kerri's love for the game is what makes her such an inspiration to me and many other players.  Her knowledge of the game is amazing; there is always something new to learn about fastpitch every time I talk to her.  I can only say this;  Kerri, thanks for teaching me the sport that I have come to love.  From teaching me the fundamentals of hitting when I was younger, to the knowledge of the game that I know now because of you, thanks for never letting me give less than 100%.  You have made me a better player than I ever thought I could be, but most of all a better person.

Alyssa Hasty

Kerri student, 16, Glen Allen

Kerri is an excellent coach who helped me realize my full potential.  She has always been willing to put in the extra time for her players.  In working with her, I have seen improvements in my work ethic towards practices, warm-ups and games.  Kerri taught me to believe in myself and my ability to succeed.  Her professionalism, knowledge and pure love of the game make her a dedicated coach who gives 100% of herself.  I will never be grateful enough for all she did for me.  Thanks for everything Kerri. You're the BEST!

Lanette Mull

Lee-Davis H.S.
Class of 2003

As a sophomore pitching at the Varsity level I was timid on the mound with very little confidence.  I knew there was room for improvement but I wasn't sure how to achieve my goals like hitting spots, being confident on the mound, throwing various pitches, and being discrete about hiding the ball. Kerri Cobb entered my softball career and was able to make an incredible pitcher out of me. She boosted my confidence in a way that no other coach had been able to do through her phenomenal encouragement.

It was not only her absolute devotion to softball, but her loving the players as individuals and believing each person can exceed their goals.  Kerri helped me achieve many goals throughout the two years she worked with me, and made me a believer in loving the positioned I earned.  It was Kerri who contributed greatly to my achieving my goal of becoming a first team All-District pitcher in the Central Region.

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